2020 Stories and Videos
C2k Ministries Inc. has archived all stories and videos from 2020. Take a look around at some of the great stuff that happened in 2020.

A Final Year-End Message
Here is a short 2-minute message just for you!

We Are Thankful
Here is a short video letting you know how much we thank you for all that you do.

Love Always Wins
C2k Ministries Team Receives Beautiful Notes From Kids and Grandparent. Recently, two students and one grandparent had some really cool things to say to some

First Nine Weeks Photos
C2k Ministries Photo Gallery For The First Nine Weeks

C2k Ministries Students High Grades
C2k Ministries Students Hit High Grades in First Nine Weeks This year has been incredibly challenging on so many fronts. It has changed the landscape

Halloween 2020
C2k Ministries Inc. Celebrates Halloween It has been a weird year hasn’t it? I guess that probably goes without saying. That being said, RE>DIRECT, has

Our Students Did It!
C2k Ministries Inc. Challenges Students and They Rose To The Occasion So what happens when we create high expectations? Students rise up and meet the

Article From the Bolivar Bullet
C2k Ministries Featured In The Bolivar Bullet Newspaper Coopwood Publications owner and publisher, Scott Coopwood, wrote a great article in this past week’s paper, The

Student Of The Month
C2k Ministries Inc. Proudly Congratulates Mallory Fields We are so proud of all of our students for what they are accomplishing. Mallory Fields, a 5th

What Does Racial Reconciliation Look Like?
Why racial reconciliation is important and possible. Article was written for MS Christian Living Magazine, October 2020 Edition. For the original article, please visit MS

Visual Board Presentations
Successful Non-Profit Encourages Students to Dream Enjoy watching our kids present their visual boards!

An Incredible Two Weeks
C2k Ministries Kicks Off 2020 Well, RE>DIRECT kicked off with a bang! For now we have split our students into two groups. Cleveland students meet

C2k Ministries 2020-2021 Kickoff Week
C2k Ministries Inc starts the 2020 year strong We had a great kickoff week and this video will give you a brief look at what

What moving to Mound Bayou taught me
What Has Moving To Mound Bayou Taught Me? Written by Kym Schank for Mississippi Christian Living Magazine. Original post can be seen here https://bit.ly/2DStBcv PDF

Can Racial Reconciliation Work
Can racial reconciliation really work? The events of the past few weeks have once again sent our country into a polarized state. This is extremely

C2k Ministries Inc. in Mound Bayou- Entity helping students finish the school year
C2k Ministries Inc. Helping Students Finish the School Year Strong The Bolivar Bullet– written by Scott Coopwood What started as a passionate idea of one

Investing In Lives
C2k Ministries Inc. making a difference in the lives of kids We do our best to communicate what is happening with our program; specifically our

Happy Easter 2020
C2k Ministries Inc. brings joy to students this Easter. C2k Ministries Inc., took to the community delivering Easter gifts to children that participate in the

Celebrating Our Town
Celebrating Mound Bayou, MS For Black History month, I thought it would be great to honor our town and the history of our city. A