2019 Stories and Videos
C2k Ministries Inc. has archived all stories and videos from 2019. Take a look around at some of the great stuff that happened in 2019.

Christmas Finale
2019 Christmas Celebration We talked with our students about gifts that come with no strings attached. You didn’t earn it and there is nothing you

Christmas Store 2019
2019 C2k Ministries Christmas Store Every year, we have a large Christmas store where our students have a chance to spend their RE>DIRECT dollars that

Gingerbread Houses 2019
Students Make Gingerbread Houses The kids spent time yesterday building and creating their gingerbread houses. It’s Christmas week at RE>DIRECT!

Give Through The Cash App
C2k Ministries Inc. now offers mobile giving through Cash App. We have created a user name for the cash app. Those that want to give

Year-End Giving is Critical
C2k Ministries Inc. Year-End Giving Statistics

Happy Thanksgiving
Wishing You a Happy Thanksgiving 2019 We have much to be thankful for.

Creative Education Ideas
Successful Non-Profit Attacks Education Problems Our education system is broken. Many would argue with this statement but the statistics are staggering and clear in favor

First-Ever Parent Night
C2k Ministries Inc. Hosts First-Ever Parent Night On Thursday, October 3, we celebrated our first-ever parent night. Watch the short video to see what happened!

Meet Brooklyn Rimmer
C2k Ministries Inc Introduces Brooklyn Rimmer So yesterday, Brooklyn Rimmer, a fifth grade student, walked in to our program wearing a gold medal around her

Off To An Incredible Start
C2k Ministries Inc Starts Off Strong I need to brag a little about what is happening. I am not doing this from a place of

2019-2020 First Week Recap Video
See What Happened During The First Week at C2k Ministries Here is a short video showing some of the great things we did this week

2019-2020 Kickoff Video
Successful Non-Profit Kicks Off the 2019-2020 Year Here is a quick video from yesterday at RE>Direct!

The Boys Of Summer
Using Baseball To Teach Life Lessons I am coaching youth baseball again this year, and these are my new “boys of summer.” We have started

An Important Board Change
LaToya Lee Becomes New Board President Over this past weekend during our annual board meeting, Dr. Charles (Chuck) Moore stepped down as Board President. Chuck

2018-2019 Comes To A Close
C2k Ministries Ends The 2019 Year Strong The 2018-2019 school year came to a close at the end of May. This school year presented many

What Do You Like?
C2k Ministries asks students “what they like” about RE>DIRECT. It is true that kids say some funny things. We asked some of our kids what

How Wide Is Home Plate?
So How Wide Is Home Plate? Story is imported from Chris Sperry Twenty years ago, in Nashville, Tennessee, during the first week of January, 1996,

C2k Is A Featured Ministry With Nashville Apparel Co.
Delta Vintage, Nashville TN, Sponsors C2k Ministries Through Merchandise Sales Proprietor and Designer, Claire Brandon, recently launched Delta Vintage Clothing with the specific intent to explore,

RE>Direct Moves To A New Building
C2k Ministries Inc. Moves To A New Facility As we reported in another email, we have moved to our new church building in Cleveland, MS.

Pitching Clinic Takes Place With MLB Coach Doug Henry
Kansas City Royals Coach, Doug Henry, Visits Mound Bayou, MS for Pitching Clinic This past weekend we were blessed to have some very good friends,