2016 Stories and Videos
C2k Ministries Inc. has archived all stories and videos from 2016. Take a look around at some of the great stuff that happened in 2016.

This Will Make You Smile
In our store, kids have a chance to use their RE>Direct dollars to purchase certificates to things like basketball games & pizza, roller skating &

What a Parent Had To Say
See what one of our parents has to say about all that we are doing and the HUGE difference we are making! Press play and

This is JOY!
Great things are happening and they happen because of a true team effort. We are so grateful to all of you for all you do

Meet Our Staff
Our staff: Megan Munro-Program Director, Linda Dorsey- Family and Child Coach, Loise Fields-Fipps- Mentor Specialist, LaTonya Fields- Mentor Specialist.

Thanksgiving 2016
I’m not sure what else we really need to say. The strides that have been made are incredible, our kids are super and God is

Speaks for Itself
This week has been one of the best weeks we have ever had. For the past several years we have been working hard towards this

Look Who Came To Visit
We were so blessed to have Doug and Monique Henry come for a short visit. What a blessing they are to us as friends as

Look at What the Kids Accomplished!
Our program has been in existence now for a few years and as with anything it can take a little time to really start seeing

Look at Us
Jaidha Dancy (3rd Grade), Robert Gray (2nd Grade), Lakendra Burrow (6th Grade), KJ Knight (Kindergartern) and Kamien Bady (6th Grade) we all involved in this

Tom Brokaw and a Very Large Check
No. Tom Brokaw didn’t give our ministry money. But Mr. Brokaw did hear about our ministry at a recent gathering at the GRAMMY Museum. The

Very Large Shirts
Although it may not seem like a big deal for some watching this video, please understand that our kids have no arts program at school.

Nehemiah and Diligence
For the past couple weeks we have been talking about diligence. This week we had the chance to talk about Nehemiah and the story of

Community Foundation Northwest Mississippi
For the past two year, the Community Foundation of Northwest Mississippi has been giving financially to Re>Direct, our after-school program. Because of the strides that

The King’s Daughters and Sons Circle Number
The King’s Daughters and Sons Circle Number Two blessed us this year in a huge way. After a visit to our program, we made it known

Real Christian Foundation
As we continue to grow and build the ministry, we have formed great partnerships with different local foundations and businesses and we wanted to give each

Mentos Challenge
Our kids don’t get to do many science experiments so much of what they are learning is straight out of the book. We figured we

State Representative Abe Hudson Visits
This past monday we were blessed to have State Representative, Abe Hudson come to the REDirect After School Program and visit. Not only did he

Working Hard-Playing Hard
Our kids have been working hard the past two weeks so this Thursday was reward day! Check out the short video.

Our Championship Team
FRONT ROW (Left to Right): Kawaski, Terrick, Cordarrian, DJ. BACK ROW (Left To Right): Coach Marquel, Jerome, Mysone, Coach Phil, Buck, Devin, Lamont, Coach CJ.

Mueller Family Visit
Our good friends the Mueller’s came this week and paid us a visit. Lucky for them our program was in full swing so they are

Teaching the Bible
Today Megan did a great job of teaching about Noah and his being diligent to obeying God. We spent a good 40 minutes walking kids

All About Choices
We are surrounded by some incredible people that are making a difference in the lives of kids. Linda Dorsey, RE>Direct Child and Family Counselor, is

Sneak Peak for 2016-2017
Our program this year is going to look completely different than it did last year. Instead of kids being seated by grade we are approaching

Truth is that Kym and I have never had to overcome the things that many of our kids have had to overcome. Our kids are