Shulanda Giles
My name is Shulanda Hill-Giles, and I am proud to be an ITM Elementary School educator and a Mentor Specialist at C2K Ministries!!! I am a native of Cleveland, MS. I received my Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work from Rust College in Holly Springs, MS, two Masters in Education (Special Education and Social Science) from Delta State University and my Education Specialist in Leadership and Administration from Delta State University. I am certified to be an administrator, to teach Special Education (K-12) and Social Studies (7-12). This upcoming year will be my 24th year as an educator. I have been married for 18 amazing years to James C. Giles and have two awesome children, Kaitlynn Chanel, 16 and Devin Durel, 12 and three energetic chicks. As a family we love to attend worship services, school functions, shop and eat out. My motto is “Do unto others as you want them to do unto you.”
Non-Profit Staff Statistics
Here are some non-profit staff statistics from
Nonprofits in the United States employ more than 22,336,381 people — easily the biggest nonprofit employment statistic. These positions are a combination of full-time and part-time employees — the number of employees reported on organizations’ Form W-3 (Transmittal of Wage and Tax Statements) — and does not include contractors and indirect employment. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported 155.8 million full and part time workers in 2018, so the nonprofit sector directly employs ~14% of the U.S. workforce.
There are 100,113 small nonprofits that employ 10 or fewer people. Combined, these nonprofits employ 430,564 people, which is just 1.9% of the 22.3 million people employed by all nonprofits. While these small nonprofits represent 5.6% of all nonprofits, they are a plurality — 36.4% — of nonprofits that actually employ people. As noted above, the size of the nonprofit is separate from the impact on individuals and society, and many small organizations have a large impact (and vice versa).
Nonprofit personnel typically earn between $16,227 and $96,126 per year in wages, benefits, and other compensation. The nonprofits that on average pay the most are science and technology research centers ($96,126), medical research organizations ($79,547), and international and foreign affairs organizations ($87,408). These are specialized organizations that tend to employ highly educated personnel. On the opposite end we see organizations with more part-time workers and a less skilled work force. These include recreation, sports, and social clubs ($16,227), youth development organizations ($17,877), and human services organizations ($21,862). Please note that these nonprofit employment statistics includes both part-time and full-time workers, and different types of nonprofits employ more part-time workers than others. Nonetheless, the trends are still interesting.
Because Every Student Matters
We find that many kids today struggle academically and socially. Our organization provides tools and resources to help them overcome challenges giving them a chance to be successful in life. Jesus was clear that children were important and because Jesus believed that, we believe that.
Watch the short video that will help create perspective.